Jubilee House: The Epicenter of Corruption

 – Franklin Cudjoe Fingers Akufo-Addo/Bawumia

Founder and President of policy think-tank IMANI Africa, Franklin Cudjoe is pointing fingers directly at the Presidency as the orchestrator of all corrupt dealings within the government.

Cudjoe emphasized that the Jubilee House, the seat of Government, is where all the corrupt deals are initiated, citing examples like the Scholarship Secretariat scandal and controversial Ministry of Special Initiatives projects as evidence of corrupt practices originating from the highest office in the land.

In his recent appearance on Citi fm’s ‘Big Issues’ talk show, the think-tank boss, unveiled the jubilee house as a cookhouse of corruption with the President and his Vice as the co-chefs.

Commenting specifically on the ongoing impeachment proceedings against the embattled Special Prosecutor, Kissi Agyebeng, Cudjoe implied that these actions were instigated by the Presidency to stifle any challenges to its alleged malpractices.

He further highlighted the establishment of the Office of the Special Prosecutor as a reactionary measure to corruption already deeply rooted in the system, suggesting that combating corruption should start at the Presidential level to root out the core of the issue.

This revelation comes amidst escalating tensions following a petition by Agyebeng’s predecessor, Martin Amidu, urging President Akufo-Addo to remove the current Special Prosecutor over allegations of impropriety, leading to a formal process that involves the Chief Justice and Agyebeng’s response.

The unfolding saga underscores the gravity of corruption allegations within the highest echelons of power, raising serious questions about transparency and accountability in Ghana’s governance.

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