SNNIT Hotels & Rock-City ‘Sweetheart’ Deal: Osafo Marfo’s Son Implicated

Documents detailing the sale of the national insurance Trust’s 15% share in the Grand Regency Hotel to Agriculture Minister, Bryan Acheampong, have emerged, with allegations indicating the involvement of Kofi Bosompem Osafo Maafo, son of former Senior Minister, Yaw Osafo-Maafo.

According to a disclosed minutes from SSNIT’s meetings, Kofi Bosompem Osafo Maafo was allegedly leading the negotiations between SSNIT and Bryan Acheampong’s Rock City Hotel Limited, playing a pivotal role in the transaction process.

Key excerpts from the minutes dated 16th March 2022 provide insights into the discussions, including offers and valuations of the stake, leading to the eventual sale to Bryan Acheampong for GH¢7.4 million.

The Member of Parliament for North Tongu, Hon. Okudzeto Ablakwa, has publicized these details, flagging concerns of conflict of interest and possible constitutional violations.

The controversy deepened when SSNIT defended the sale, citing ongoing negotiations for stakes in other hotels.

However, Ablakwa maintains that the sale raises legal and ethical questions, urging a probe by the Commission on Human Rights and Administrative Justice.

The unfolding saga points to murky dealings within the corridors of power, raising alarms over potential conflicts of interest and constitutional breaches, as the spotlight intensifies on the alleged improprieties surrounding the sale of SSNIT assets to government officials.

As the nation awaits further developments, the specter of political intrigue looms large, casting a shadow over the integrity of public-private transactions and demanding accountability from those in positions of authority.

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