US Federal Court Sentences Ghanaian ISIS Member To Life Imprisonment

A US federal court has sentenced a British-born Ghanaian who is a member of terror group, ISIS, to life imprisonment for violent crimes against American citizens.

Alexander Kotey stayed stoic as eight life sentences were read out for him, to run concurrently.

Federal court judge at the Alexandria District Court in Virginia, Thomas Selby Ellis, described the conduct of Alexander Kotey, as “egregious, violent and inhumane.”

Mr. Kotey is said to have carried out terror acts including taking hostage of four Americans in 2012 and 2013, as part of his deeds with an ISIS cell of Britons called the IS Beatles.

He had sat quietly through the hearing while he listened to the families of his victims recount their horror before and after the deaths of their loved ones.

He would also decline to comment and refer journalists to a lengthy letter he had filed with the court according to reports.

In the letter, he is said to have noted that he sometimes felt sympathy for his captives but such sentiments, he described were “often brief and momentary”.

He called himself a soldier carrying out orders and using tactics that were necessary to fight the United States as part of asymmetrical warfare.

The sentences that Judge Ellis gave Mr. Kotey could land him at a maximum-security prison in Florence, Colo., called the Supermax, according to reports.


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