Failed Promise! Teacher Trainees To Fund Their Own Feeding From May 8

The National Conference of Principals of Colleges of Education – Ghana (PRINCOF) has served notice that teacher trainees across the country must fund their own feeding from May 8, 2022.

A directive has also been given to the Colleges of Education to this effect.

This is a massive failure of the Akufo Addo administration which actively campaigned to restore allowances and feeding to teacher trainees if voted into power.

The directive, according to PRINCOF, is in response to the inability of Colleges of Education to pay for food supplied to them.

For months, it said, suppliers who provisioned the school did so without payment until the suppliers eventually got fed up and stopped.

“Most Colleges now have food items that can last only one week if students are to be provided with three (3) meals a day,” PRINCOF said in a letter to the Education Minister.

In a bid to make do with the situation and hold on as long as possible, PRINCOF has directed that students skip at least one meal a day, in rationing akin to the desperate situation of refugees.

“Trainee teachers will be provided with two meals, breakfast and supper only for one week, from April 23 to April 30, 2022. Trainee teachers from May 1 to May 8, 2022, shall be given lunch only. After May 8, trainee teachers would be asked to provide their own meals until their feeding allowances have been paid,” it said.

Meanwhile, food vendors are being encouraged to increase the volume of daily meals they cook for sale to students.

“These measures are meant to ensure that there is no disruption of the academic calendar,” it concluded.


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