Abronye’s Wife in Hit-and-Run

-BNI Officer left with Broken arms, Psychological Trouma

-as Suspect Orders Case Transfer to Favourite Police Investigator

Lawyer Portia Acheampong Baffuor, identified as the wife of New Patriotic Party (NPP) Bono Regional chairman, Kwame Baffor, ( Abronye DC) has abandoned an official of the National Investigation Bureau (NIB), Edith Asare to her faith after her vehicle run down a motto-bike Ferring the officer to work in peak hours barely a week today.

The incident, which occurred near Achimota in Accra on Monday May 13, has left Ms. Asare with two hands seriously fractured, damaged tissues, a potential long-term physical implication and over GhC50,000 in hospital bills among others.

Interestingly, the NIB has yet to officially made considerable overture to ascertain the cause, events and the condition of their staff who suffered the sad ordeal on her way to carry on official assignments, WhatsUp News has learnt.

The arrogant posturing of Lawyer Portia Baffuor however ensured that no evidence was picked from the scene of the incident following her refusal to follow accident protocols usually observe by police to record vehicle accident events.

Eyewitnesses said Lawyer Baffuor’s demeanour portrayed her as having a pre-meditated motive to harm the victim than an innocent driver who accidentally run into another road user.

“She did not even bother to check whether she had knocked down a ‘goat’ or human being’, said a young lady who wished her name is not mentioned.

And when invited by the police for cautioning, Mrs ‘Abronye’ told the investigators in plain words that she had no time to waste at their station and that they could meet her in court with their charges.

Mrs. ‘Abronye’ is alleged to have further threatened the investigator for daring to refer her as a ‘suspect and subsequently carried through her threat by successfully instructing a transfer of the case from Achimota Police Station under which the incident occurred, to Tesano Police station to be handled by an investigator who doesn’t seem to understand the basic auto-mobile accident handling within a matter of few days.

Sources close to the victim revealed that Lawyer Portia Acheampong Baffor failed to show compassion or show up after the accident and had never even called nor paid a visit to the hospital to ascertain the condition of the victim, further fuelling speculations of deliberate attempt on the life of the victim.

According to briefs taken by our reporter, by-standers, stunned by the horror, rushed Ms. Asare to the Lapaz Community Clinic and later ambulanced to the University of Ghana Medical Centre for emergency attention.

This newspaper gathered that rather than showing remous, Mrs Baffuor resorted to threatening the police investigator with transfer from the Achimota station the jurisdiction of the incident to Tessano. According to the chickee lawyer, she could not tolerate being called a ‘suspect’ by the police officer.

A source privy to development said Abronye, the NPP Chairman of Bono Region called the victim a few days after the incident and insisted touted her wife’s innocence, stating that ‘something would have to be done to prevent Ghana from been turn to Nigeria, where according to him, too many motor-bikes plie the road and cause unnecessary accident’.

Abronye also reiterated that the case wont go anywhere since he could confirm from the video footages he watched that the accident was caused by the motor rider he claimed had no driving license.

Aside using their connection to transfer the case from Achimota, the jurisdiction of the incident, the couple transferred an amount of GhC2000 from Abronye’s mobile money wallet to Mrs. Esther Asare which transfer the later is reported to have reversed.

“When invited by the investigator to the station, Mrs. Baffour Abronye  had told the original investigator who attended the crime scene that she had no time to follow the police nor attend to the victim and that she spends her time in court for important things and would wait for them in court”, brief our source..

Abronye reluctantly called the victim and indicate he was only calling because of familiar people who prompted him but for which he wouldn’t have bothered since according to him, his wife has no question to answer.

Further, Abronye noted he was on his way to the funeral of the late Deputy Finance Minister, John Kumah and would visit the victim when he returns. He never showed up.

Interestingly, the new investigator handling the case has reportedly invited the victim of fractured arm who was on admission at the hospital to come over to the Tesano Police station when she could without any preliminary investigation including visiting to apprise himself with the victim’s condition as would any serious investigator.

As it stands now, it would be difficult to tell whether or not Mrs Abronye was driving under the influence of alcohol, texting and driving, or it was a pure negligence on the side of the motor-rider

The handling of the case by law enforcement has also come under scrutiny, with concerns raised about potential interference and a lack of diligent investigation.

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