Ghana’s 5G Project Under Fire Amid Controversy

A storm of criticism has erupted over Ghana’s 5G infrastructure project, with accusations of secrecy and questionable dealings swirling around.

IMANI Africa’s Vice President, Bright Simons, has lambasted the handling of the project, labeling it a murky deal lacking transparency.

The controversy escalated following a high-profile meeting between Next Gen Infraco (NGIC), the country’s sole 5G wholesale provider, and the newly appointed Acting Director General of the National Communications Authority (NCA), Rev. Ing. Edmund Yirenkyi Fianko.

Simons expressed dismay at the Acting NCA Boss’s focus on the contentious 5G project, raising doubts about the wisdom of prioritizing a deal shrouded in criticism and potential flaws. In a scathing rebuke, Simons questioned the legitimacy of claims about reputable international investors backing the 5G project, revealing that these supposed investors were not genuine shareholders but pawns in what he branded a fraudulent scheme.

“The whole 5G concept is nonsensical. Why compel telecom giants to buy bandwidth from a single monopoly like NGIC?” Simons queried.

Highlighting concerns about unfair market practices, Simons criticized the government’s strategy, warning that concentrating 5G purchases under one provider could perpetuate market dominance by established telcos.

“It’s a shady monopoly benefiting a select few at the expense of promoting a sustainable, competitive, and transparent 5G network,” Simons stressed.

Calls for Transparency and Fair Play:

The backlash from Simons mirrors mounting concerns over the lack of transparency in selecting NGIC as Ghana’s exclusive 5G provider. Critics advocate for a competitive model to stimulate innovation, drive down costs, and enhance consumer experience.

While government officials defend the centralized approach as efficient for deployment, skeptics like Simons argue that it consolidates influence in undisclosed hands, undermining fair competition.

As the debate rages on, pressure mounts on authorities to shed light on the NGIC deal’s terms, with demands for clarity, responsibility, and a reconsideration of the current framework gaining momentum.

Ghana’s digital destiny hangs in the balance on the path to a robust and competitive telecommunications sector. The government’s response to these concerns will shape the success of its 5G rollout and its economic ramifications.


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