Meteo Warns Of More Upcoming Rains And Floods

The Meteorological Agency of Ghana is warning that there are more rains and floods on the way after the Tuesday dawn heavy downpour that left parts of Accra flooded.

Meteorologist from the Agency, Felicity Ahafianyo, explains that the expectation of more rains is due to the fact that we are in the second week of June, the major rainy season for Southern Ghana.

The flooding aspect will be due to the fact that the spell of heavy downpours will build as run-off waters take too long to peculate into the ground.

“For the season, we are saying that those of us along the coast we are likely to get accumulated rainfall for the period to be more than 300mm. then if we have a storm that strikes like what we have had today, in some areas it started last night, there is going to be a slightly above 20mm, some areas will get 50mm, where the actual center, the core, of the rainstorm will pass they are likely to get above 50mm. So for the second week of June, we are anticipating that the week is going to be active in terms of rainstorms that will be moving over the country

“The rains have started and the ground is gradually being saturated, so any rain that will come as we have witnessed already in Accra, will result into floods because we will have run-off waters that may not have the chance to peculate into the ground,” she said.

Already, one person at Odawna in Accra died of electrocution while slavaging his properties from his flooded home following the Tuesday dawn flooding from the heavy downpour.


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