Value Your Votes: NDC Running-Mate Urges Ghanaians

Prof. Jane Naana Opoku-Agyemang, the running mate of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), has called on Ghanaians to make their voting decisions based on the state of the economy and how it has affected their lives and businesses.

She has urged those who typically support the ruling party to honestly assess the government’s poor performance and consider voting for change. “A political party is not akin to a family that binds you by blood.

You have the freedom to switch parties and support one that can genuinely enhance your standard of living and advance the nation,” she explained. Speaking at a large gathering of traders at the Odorkor market in Accra during her campaign tour of markets in the Greater Accra region, Prof. Opoku-Agyemang emphasized the importance of deriving value from the act of voting.

She highlighted that the primary purpose and value of voting is to foster national development across all sectors.

Consequently, any political party in power that fails to deliver the desired progress does not deserve to remain in office. She urged citizens to make the right choice by voting for the NDC to ensure the safety and advancement of the country.

“The government may come with enticing promises, gifts, and money to secure your votes. Accept the money as it belongs to you, but cast your vote against them,” she advised. Prof. Opoku-Agyemang emphasized the need for Ghanaians to come together against poverty, underdevelopment, and deception.

She reassured that former President John Mahama is a reliable leader with the expertise to steer the country away from the challenges created by the mismanagement of the NPP government.

The professor stated that all efforts by the NPP government to tarnish the image of the NDC flagbearer have proven futile, revealing to Ghanaians the true nature of dishonest and incompetent individuals.

“We will consistently be truthful to Ghanaians,” she asserted, underscoring the NDC’s commitment to leveraging its experience to propel the country towards progress. “We have a track record of success.

Therefore, when we outline our plans, we do so with confidence knowing we can deliver for the benefit of all Ghanaians,” she remarked. Prof. Opoku-Agyemang urged the support of all, particularly traders, to help bring the NDC back to power, reset the course of the nation, and collaboratively create the Ghana we aspire for.


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