Organized Labor, Citizen Kofi, Back ‘Hands Off Our Hotels’ Demonstration Set for Today

In a united front, the Trades Union Congress (TUC), Federation of Labour, and a coalition of individuals and groups have thrown their support behind the ‘Hands Off Our Hotels’ protest slated for today, June 18.

The demonstration, aimed at denouncing the sale of six hotels owned by the Social Security and National Insurance Trust (SSNIT), has garnered widespread backing after previous appeals went unheeded.

Led by Member of Parliament Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa, who initially exposed the hotel sales, the endorsement was announced during a press conference yesterday.

Naa Ayele Ardayfio Sekyere, the Public Relations Officer of TUC, emphasized the national significance of the call to action, particularly commending the involvement of Members of Parliament in spearheading the cause.

Abraham Koomson, Secretary General of the Ghana Federation of Labour, urged citizens to flood the streets in protest to prevent the government from selling off critical assets like SSNIT itself.

Expressing concerns over the administration’s persistence in selling the properties despite opposition, Ablakwa highlighted the disparity between the potential gains from the SSNIT hotels compared to other state-owned properties.

Despite facing resistance, Ablakwa reiterated the demand for President Akufo-Addo to intervene and halt the ongoing transactions involving the hotels, including prominent establishments like La Palm Royal Beach Resort.

The demonstration is scheduled to kick off from the La Beach Hotel, with protestors marching towards the presidency to deliver a petition for the president’s attention.

Noteworthy figures such as Dr. Kofi Amoah, popularly known as Citizen Kofi, have pledged their support for the protest, further enhancing the solidarity behind the cause. Ablakwa’s efforts to challenge the sale through legal avenues, including engaging the Commission on

Human Rights and Administrative Justice (CHRAJ), reflect a broader push to ensure transparency and accountability in government dealings.

As preparations for the demonstration continue, Ablakwa emphasized the importance of widespread participation to send a clear message against what he characterized as “blatant state capture.” With growing support from various sectors of society, the ‘Hands Off Our Hotels’ demonstration is poised to amplify calls for accountability and safeguarding of public assets.


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