National Security’s Shadowy Commando Unit in Tamale Raises Alarms

Amidst the serene landscape of Tamale, the Northern regional capital, a clandestine entity has emerged under the guise of countering terrorism – the National Security’s Commando Unit.

However, whispers in the shadows hint at a more sinister reality behind this veil of security.

The Commando Unit, shrouded in secrecy, allegedly houses 52 individuals with murky pasts, remnants of disbanded NPP goon squads such as the Invisible Forces and Action Troopers.

These former enforcers, previously disbanded due to public outrage and legislative actions against vigilantism, have reportedly found refuge within the folds of National Security.

Trained for six months at the Bundase military camp, these operatives are part of a cohort of 200 individuals undergoing preparation for deployment, purportedly for counter-terrorism operations.

Yet, murmurs suggest a different agenda awaits them post their anti-terror facade – a return to familiar terrain for election-related duties.

While the ostensible purpose of the Commando Unit may be to combat terrorism, its proximity to Kamina Barracks and the autonomy it enjoys with a separate chain of command raise concerns of jurisdictional clashes within the security apparatus.

Equipped with advanced weaponry, the covert operations of this unit cast a shadow over existing security structures in the region.

Furthermore, parallels between the Commando Unit and established security entities like the National Investigation Bureau(NIB) and the Northern regional Command of National Security deepen apprehensions within the security community.

Reports indicate questionable individuals seeping into the NIB, heightening security risks and casting a shadow over the impending electoral landscape.

Amidst speculations of impending chaos as elections loom on the horizon, the burgeoning proliferation of security outfits orchestrated by the National Security raises alarms of potential turmoil.

As the intricate web of security apparatus expands, concerns mount over the unseen forces at play within the underbelly of Tamale’s security domain.


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