Police Fight Yvonne Nelson

..as Ghost of  2016 DumsorMustStop Protest scares NPP

A fizz of intense government resistance to a mass demonstration against intermittent power generation being led by Actress, Yvonne Nelson, is pushing the Ghana police into unnecessary politics and a blur line of professional hiatus.

In a sequel to the ongoing stand-off between the law enforcement agency and the organizers of the demonstration dubbed #DumsorMustStop the police administration has rushed to court in an attempt to frustrate the civil march against gov’ts ineptitude in managing the looming power crises.

The petition to silence the protest has stirred controversy and raised concerns about democratic freedoms in the country.

The latest legal tussle initiated by the police administration involves an injunction application submitted to the Accra High Court, seeking to halt the impending demonstration scheduled for May 25, 2024 is alleged being influenced from the apex of the corridors of power.

Similar demonstration allowed by erstwhile Mahama led NDC administration saw a movement of citizens wearing apolitical badges alongside powerful opposition politicians (now holding various executive positions in government) poured out to spit venom against the government.

Superintendent Isaac Nicholas Kwabena Yeboah, who is representing the police in the application filed before the court, raised objections against the organizers of the ‘demo’ citing security reasons, particularly the protest’s proximity to the seat of government, Jubilee House, deemed a security-sensitive zone.

In the ongoing banter, the police emphasized the need to prevent the gathering at Revolution Square, stressing potential risks and security implications.

The case is slated for a hearing on May 25, throwing uncertainty over the fate of the protest that aims to address the persistent power challenges facing Ghana.

Yvonne Nelson, renowned for her activism, had rallied support for the demonstration, urging stakeholders to join forces to compel the Akufo-Addo government to address the erratic power supply plaguing the nation.

The actress’s previous call to action on social media echoes the sentiments of the 2015 demonstration, which garnered wide support and participation from various sectors including politicians and civil society.

Amidst the legal maneuvering, key figures from the previous protest seem to have distanced themselves from the current activism, symbolizing a shift in the political landscape.

The lack of solidarity from former participants, who now hold prominent governmental positions, underscores the evolving dynamics within the advocacy space.

In a bold challenge to Yvonne Nelson, IMANI-Africa’s leadership, including Franklin Cudjoe, has asserted their own independent stance on organizing protests, signaling a divergence from past collaborations.

This divergence underscores divergent approaches to addressing the ongoing power crisis, raising questions about the effectiveness of fragmented advocacy efforts.

As the legal battle unfolds and uncertainties loom over the fate of the #DumsorMustStop protest, Ghana navigates a critical juncture where the intersections of activism, governance, and legal frameworks converge, shaping the contours of public discourse and democratic expression.


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