Akufo Addo Roasted For Signing Bill Gates Vaccine Pact

Angry Ghanaian social media users have taken President Akufo Addo to the cleaners for announcing two days ago that he had signed a vaccination pact for Covid-19.
On his twitter page, President Akufo Addo excitedly announced: “Together with other global leaders, I signed the UNAIDS Public Letter on a People’s Vaccine for Covid-19. It is important that all people everywhere must have access to the vaccine when one becomes available. It must be the People’s Vaccine.”
However, critics are of the opinion that by appending his signature to that document,  the Ghanaian President has potentially committed the country to the controversial mandatory vaccination being pushed by the World Health Organisation and its main financier, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF).
“..I do not think it is right. We could have waited and explored our local remedies fully first…,” one responder to the President’s tweet quizzed.
“Your dream to have all humans on some vaccine is finally becoming a reality. Kudos. I doubt if you people value human lives,” states another.
Others have questioned why the Ghanaian President had virtually ignored the remedy claimed by Madagascar to be curing Covid-19 and has rather opted to sign a document for a yet-to-be-developed vaccine from the global vaccine giants.
The global agreement letter with President Akufo Addo as the first high-profile signatory was put out by the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS(UNAIDS) to prepare the ground for the Covid-19 vaccine currently in the works.
“We are calling on Health Ministers at the World Health Assembly to rally behind a people’s vaccine against this disease urgently. Governments and international partners must unite around a global guarantee which ensures that, when a safe and effective vaccine is developed, it is produced rapidly at scale and made available for all people, in all countries, free of charge. The same applies to all treatments, diagnostics, and other technologies for COVID-19.” The People’s Vaccine document stated.
It is unclear if President Akufo Addo received any green light from the Ghanaian Parliament before appending his signature to the document.
There is a heated global debate about the motive for mandatory vaccination being chiefly championed by controversial billionaire Bill Gates.
Bill Gates has openly expressed his opinion that the world should remain in Covid-19 lockdown until a vaccine is developed and given to the entire 7.2 billion world population compulsorily. The mandatory vaccine regime being proposed by Bill Gates is also reportedly coming with vaccine certification that will make movement unvaccinated people restricted.
On the list of signatories are mostly leaders of developing countries and former leaders of countries such as the UK (Gordon Brown). Conspicuously missing on the signatory list are leaders of First World nations such as the USA, UK, Italy, Germany, etc. Also conspicuously missing are representatives from China, where Covid-19 originated from.


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