When you are trying to make it nobody sees your struggle. Nobody will be there to help you. Nobody will cry with you. Immediately you make it, companies and individuals will find ways to take advantage of you. If you complain they say you are controversial or arrogant. Yeah, as for me, per the Ghanaian definition of arrogance, I’m very very arrogant. I won’t allow you to cheat or take advantage of me. Don’t think of it.
This is shameful Barclays Bank. @bosom_pyung is a young poor boy who has hustled to make it. This guy has gone through a lot. If you find his song important in your change from Barclays Bank to Absa, at least sit down with the guy and pay him. Can you do this in South Africa where you came from to take over Barclays Bank?
I know you’ll say you don’t know anything about it. That is the plan. “Let Lilwin do a video with the song. We will pretend we don’t no anything about it. It will go viral. We will advertise our bank for free.” Thats my suspicion. The sad part is that, they did it with the help of fellow Ghanaians. Same as slavery. No white man went to capture blacks. It was black people who sold black people to the white man. This is totally unfair. This is morally wrong. I won’t say legally wrong because like I stated, if he goes to court you’ll say you don’t know anything about it. That is the trick. Don’t treat Ghanaian artist like this. @asamoah_gyan3 and @michaelessien, this is why “we don’t have celebrities in Ghana.” Our people don’t get paid for their creativity. We must all fight against such unfair treatments.
You don’t respect us. You are taking over all Barclays Banks in Africa. Can you do this in Nigeria with Davido or Wiskid’s song? You may read this and ignore but my next post will wake you up. Watch me.
