World Teachers’ Day: Pay promoted teachers appropriate salaries – GNAT

As the world marks Teachers Day today,  Saturday, October 5, 2019, the Ghana National Association of Teachers, (GNAT), has called on government to urgently put promoted teachers on their deserved salary scale.

Western Regional GNAT Secretary, Nicholas Taylor made the appeal in a Citi News interview during the Shama Ahanta East Metro GNAT branch awards for teachers to mark the day in Takoradi.

“Much as we acknowledge this day as a day set aside to celebrate the efforts of teachers, we have so many challenges. One has been the promotion of those who have not been put on the proper salary scale. We have been battling this matter for a long time. So we are appealing to government to ensure that those who had the promotion the last time are placed on the appropriate salary scale.”

He said there are currently over 500 promoted teachers in the region who are yet to be put on the appropriate scale.

Mr. Taylor added that several teachers are also owed salary arrears which all discourage young teachers to give their best and that defeats the theme for this year’s Teachers Day celebration which is about young teachers.

“We are also saying that some of the salaries of the teachers are in arrears. They took the promotion exams, some of them were put on scale but they haven’t received anything apart from the initial three months salary they received. We have 500 teachers who haven’t received their arrears so we are asking government to ensure that these monies are paid to them.”


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